Wednesday, 19 March 2008

The Poles are invading...

Ok, that's old story. It's no secret that Polish have overrun Britain. After cornering the plumbing industry, they're now eyeing the Royal Army. In fact, there are so many eager Polish recruits that the Army recuitment officers are asking the Labour Government to ease the rule that only British citizens are allowed into the Army. Looking at how things go, Prince Harry will be leading Polish soldiers in Afghanistan pretty soon.

While the Polish is fighting for the right to serve, Heather Mills is busy giving press conferences outside the Court. Her constant droning about how little she got (700 pounds for each hour of marriage, more than 24 million pounds in all) got me so worked up that I nearly wanted to take the Tube down to strangle her in front of the media.

On a lighter note, Simon Cowell, after all the lambasting of Idol contestants, finally decided to part with his money to do some good. He paid 80,000 pounds for a young girl's cancer treatment and he did that on Oprah no less. 80k for publicity... a very good deal indeed.

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